Why We’re Taking on Mt. Kilimanjaro

Our team is embarking on an 8-day trek to conquer Mt. Kilimanjaro, covering 42 miles & 16,000+ feet in elevation. This grueling challenge is not just about physical endurance; it’s about bringing attention and support to projects that transform lives. By pushing our limits, we aim to inspire generosity and make a real impact.

The Projects We’re Supporting

Valerie McMillan High School, Kenya

Valerie McMillan High School houses, feeds, educates, and shares Jesus with over 600 students in Injili, Kenya. Your support helps provide a safe place of learning, preparing students for life and eternity.

Nutrition Center, Ethiopia

Our feeding center in Ethiopia needs a permanent home. We are fundraising to buy land, ensuring these children continue receiving essential nourishment and support.

MANNA’s Leadership Institute at Camp Chautauqua, US

We’re building a lodge at Camp Chautauqua to provide year round leadership development for college age students.

How You can Help

Supporting our Kilimanjaro fundraiser means standing with us as we take on an incredible challenge to bring awareness and resources to important projects. By backing us, you're not just funding initiatives but also joining a community committed to making a tangible impact. Your support helps turn our physical endurance into real-world change, benefiting those in need.